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Acts I

Readings in The Acts of the Apostles - I

Acts is a continuation of Luke. Unlike the fourfold gospel accounts of Jesus' life, Acts is the only continuous New Testament record of the life of the believers after the Ascension. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the witness of the gospel spreads "in Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). This verse serves as an outline to Acts. Chapters 1 through 7 tell the story of the witness in Jerusalem, chapters 8 through 12 tell the story of the witness in Judea and Samaria, and chapters 13 through 28 tell the story of the witness in the Roman empire as far as Rome, primarily through Paul. The first two parts are covered in the reading on this page, and the third part in the next page of reading in Acts. By reading just a few minutes a day, you can complete this page of readings in about four weeks.

1:1-11        Introduction, Jesus rises to heaven

1:12-26      A new apostle chosen

2:1-13        The coming of the Holy Spirit

2:14-42      Peter's message

2:43-46      Life among the believer's

3:1-10        A lame man is healed

3:11-26      Peter and John before the Council

4:23-31      The believers pray for boldness

4:32-37      The believer's share their possessions

5:1-11        Ananias and Sapphira

5:12-16      Miracles and wonders

5:17-42      The apostles are persecuted

6:1-7          Seven are chosen

6:8-15        Stephen is arrested

7:1-53        Stephen's message

7:54-60      Stephen is stoned

8:1-3         Saul persecutes the church

8:4-25        The gospel is preached in Samaria

8:26-40      Philip and the Ethiopian

9:1-19        Saul is converted

9:20-25      Saul preaches in Damascus

9:26-31      Saul in Jerusalem

9:32-43      Peter in Lydda and Joppa

10:1-33      Peter and Cornelius

10:34-42     Peter's speech

10:44-48     The Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit

11:1-18      Peter's report in Jerusalem

11:19-30     The church at Antioch

12:1-5        Herod persecutes the church

12:6-19      Peter is set free from prison

12:20-25     Herod is killed

13:1-3        Barnabas and Saul are chosen

March 19, 2002

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