We believe in one living God, revealed in Jesus Christ, who moves through all creation as the Holy Spirit. We affirm the Trinity - God who is a
community of three persons. All things that exist owe their being to God: mystery beyond understanding and love beyond imagination.
Jesus Christ
We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, fully human and fully divine. Through Jesus' life and ministry, death and resurrection,
God reconciles the world and breaks down walls that divide. Christ is our peace.
The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit, Giver of Life, holy Wisdom. The Spirit
moves through and sustains creation, and transforms disciples. Wherever we find love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, or self-control, there the Holy Spirit is working.
Peace is God's shalom, which includes justice, righteousness, wholeness, and the well-being of creation.
Every person is created in the image of God. We affirm without exception the worth of every human being. God blessed humankind with the ability
to choose whom or what we will serve within the circumstances of our lives.
The Church
God intends Christian faith to be lived in companionship with Jesus Christ and other disciples in service to the world. The church of
Jesus Christ is made of all those who respond to Jesus†call. Community of Christ is part of the whole body of Christ.
We affirm the Living God is ever self-revealing. Above all, God is revealed to the world in Jesus
Christ. By the Holy Spirit we continue to hear God speaking today. The church is called to listen together for what the Spirit is saying and then faithfully respond.
Scripture is
writing inspired by God's Spirit. The Bible is our foundational scripture. Community of Christ also uses the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, because they confirm the Bible's message that Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God. When responsibly interpreted and faithfully applied, scripture provides divine guidance and inspired insight for our discipleship.
Sacraments convey the grace of Jesus Christ to his followers and all those he
yearns to embrace with his compassion. Our sacraments are baptism, confirmation, the Lord's Supper (Communion), marriage, blessing of children, laying on of hands for the sick, ordination to the priesthood, and evangelist blessing.
January 13, 2015