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C of Christ
Who We Are
July 30

Morning All,

Your SPEC roving reporter here. It's early am and there is a beautiful sunrise happening right outside this reporter's window. Camp is alseep, but will be waking shortly to the smell of bacon, waffles, and cinnamon rolls.

Life is good.

These campers - often total strangers before SPEC - are beginning to "team up". In camp terms that means they are beginning to work with, and for each other. It never ceases to amaze this reporter.

Our newest staff - Jamie and Logan Reiff - cut short a honeymoon to be here as staff. They were married less than a week when they drove to Lamoni, Iowa, and split up to work in their respective dorms -- Good Priorities!!

You Gotta Love It!!

Today is the much anticipated "Picture Day" Nearly a thousand campers and staff are herded into the bleachers, forced to sit nearly on each other, staring into a blazing sun, mixing sweat like a whirlpool,and say cheese nearly a dozen times, in the hope of getting a big sheet of paper with little dots on it that they can say, with complete confidence to mom back home, "See - That's Me!!" It's a amazing scene this reporter has lived and re-lived several time and it still brings -- well, lt's just say -- No let's don't.

All-in-all it looks like an exciting and, well, SPECTACULAR week for those gathered here.

Well, the smell of breakfast beacons -- this reporter must answer the call.

Until tomorrow then - Remember -- "LIVE OUT LOUD"

Seventy Bob

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